The MNRI® Team
The MNRI team is comprised of a diverse group of professionals from around the world.
With formal educational backgrounds, principally in the healthcare, educational, and wellness fields, the MNRI team has access to a broad range of disciplines and a wealth of personal experiences that inform and advance the Masgutova Method.
Program Originator
As the program originator, Dr. Masgutova continues to play and active role guiding MNRI Team members, program advancement, the continuing education curriculum and instructor training. Her practical, hands-on approach keeps her directly involved with clients during MNRI® Assessment Clinics, MNRI Educational Family Conferences and private sessions scheduled in conjunction with her vigorous international travel schedule.
Research Collaborators
Dr. Masgutova works closely with her cross-disciplinary MNRI team to assess and advance the Masgutova Method protocol as client work and ongoing research uncovers more complete or more efficient ways of achieving positive outcomes. This approach assures broad-based perspective and ensures the Masgutova Method is truly an interdisciplinary program, addressing all aspects of the maturation and development processes.
Dr. Masgutova also collaborates with outside professionals to study and advance the Masgutova Method. A number of pilot and formal research studies are underway addressing the impact of various aspects of the MNRI Method in areas such as neurosensorimotor reflex integration, immune system improvement, auditory processing, optimization of brain development and functioning, and neuro-speech development.
MNRI Instructor/Lecturer
MNRI Instructor/Lecturers have generally been working with and learning from Dr. Masgutova longer than other MNRI students. Their training, program understanding, and command of MNRI protocol (based on years of direct experience with diverse client population challenges) enable them to effectively guide the education of all MNRI students. Each course they instruct provides a combination of educational lecture, protocol demonstration, and hands-on guided practice. This multi-dimensional teaching approach is designed to allow first time course participants to walk away with knowledge that can be immediately applied in private practice work with clients or in home treatment with family members. Instructors provide post-course support to ensure MNRI students are prepared to address the diverse range of challenges presented in their client populations or among family members.
In addition to teaching courses, MNRI Instructors are also available to:
- Present the many benefits of the MNRI Program to interested organizations
- Fulfill the role of Core Specialist at MNRI Assessment Clinics and Educational Family Conferences
- Assess and provide support for private practice clients as needed.
MNRI Treatment Professionals
There are two general types of MNRI resources available to help families get started with an MNRI Treatment program: Certified MNRI Core Specialists who have attained the highest level of MNRI certification mastery and MNRI Students who have varying levels of mastery and have attained MNRI certification commensurate with the level of training that they have successfully completed to date. The formal career and educational backgrounds of the professionals participating in the MNRI continuing education program are diverse with careers spanning Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Language Pathology, Audiology and Optometry, Special, Physical, and Regular Education, Somatic Oriented Psychology, Social Services and more; and educational degrees spanning from B.A./B.S. to Ph.D.
Certified MNRI Core Specialists
MNRI Core Specialists have attained and demonstrated a high level of proficiency in the Masgutova Method through a rigorous curriculum and substantial hours of hands-on clinical work. They are the frontline experts working with clients at MNRI Assessment Clinics and Family Educational Conferences. MNRI Core Specialists assist MNRI Instructors and are mentors for MNRI Core Specialists-in-Training and other MNRI students. In addition to supporting clinics and family conferences, most MNRI Core Specialists are in private practice and address client challenges on a daily basis using the MNRI Method.
MNRI Certified Students
Certified MNRI Core Specialists-in-Training
MNRI Core Specialists-in-Training are studying to gain full certification as an MNRI Core Specialist. Core Specialists-in-Training are advanced students and have taken a wide range of courses and typically have attended two or three Family Conferences. There are two levels of Core Specialists-in-Training. Level I Core Specialists-in-Training have attained their MNRI Associate certification and have taken their first steps toward Core Specialist certification. Level II Core Specialists-in-Training are advanced students and are nearing full Core Specialist certification.
Certified MNRI Associates
MNRI Associates (Levels I and II) are working toward full certification as an MNRI Associate. MNRI Associates are required to take a wide variety of courses and to take practical exams at Family Conferences. This training results in deeper knowledge of how to apply the MNRI Method and better technique due to the additional hands-on training at the Family Conferences.
MNRI Students
MNRI students are professional, parents or caregivers who have have completed one or a number of MNRI continuing education courses, but have not yet initiated the formal MNRI certification process by attending and actively participating in an MNRI Family Educational Conference. Regardless, the professions many of these professionals come from, often prepare them well to quickly assimilate and incorporate MNRI Method Technique knowledge and application within their practice.
MNRI Adjunct Professionals
MNRI Adjunct Professionals support Masgutova at MNRI Family Educational conferences by providing complimentary program support for participating conference clients. Adjunct professionals have completed most, if not all, the coursework required to be an MNRI Core Specialist. Ongoing complementary programs include art therapy, proprioceptive system integration, balance board therapy, deep neuro-structural integration, and oral-facial integration. Additional complimentary programs are offered at Family Educational Conferences, when resources are available, including (but not limited to) reflex integration and dance therapy, animal assistant therapy, aqua therapy, and play therapy.
Parent/Caregiver MNRI Program Supporters
Teaching parents and caregivers the basics of the MNRI Method is a high priority for MNRI Core Specialists and Instructors because effective home program support has been demonstrated to result in faster and broader based progress. Consequently, regardless of the MNRI Method approach (Family Educational Conference, Assessment Clinic, private practice support), parents are encouraged to take advantage of learning home program procedures from their MNRI resource.
Parents interested in reinforcing their MNRI Method knowledge even further can do so through:
- The online purchase of available MNRI reference tools and materials,
- Attending MNRI® Courses and using the reference manuals provided to support post course program
- Attending MNRI® Family Educational Conferences and referring to the conference program support materials provided to facilitate the home program
Locating an MNRI Specialist
Go to our MNRI Resource Directory to locate an MNRI specialist to support your particular needs. Each MNRI specialist profile includes basic contact information, a summary of completed MNRI coursework and MNRI event participation, the MNRI certification level attained and profession and formal education degrees.