

Host a Course

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Local Area Coordinator. We value our partnerships and want to ensure this will be a mutually beneficial relationship.

Our Local Area Coordinators play an important role in coordinating area logistics, marketing classes and engaging potential students, managing the registration process, and supporting the administrative processes necessary to deliver a positive experience for everyone involved. Together, we work to grow MNRI in our communities by supporting both our instructors and students. 

We have established the below set of expectations for our partners:

  • High ethical and moral operational standards.
    • We only partner with organizations and individuals who operate at the highest ethical and moral standards.
  • A primary motivation of hosting courses to grow MNRI in our communities 
by supporting our instructors and students.
  • High value of integrity.
    • An understanding that the method is copyrighted.
    • A commitment to ensure all proper steps are taken to protect the message and content.
    • Focus on honest and transparent communication and actions in all transactions that may be associated with our organization.
  • Respect for all participants regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.
    Familiarity with and connected to organizations, networks, and resources to successfully communicate and promote the event to potential students.

 Steps for hosting a course

  1. Read through the Local Area Coordinator (LAC) Expectations, Duties, and Responsibilities for Hosting Classes below.
  2. Fill out the information related to Course, Location, Date, etc.
  3. Submit for approval.
  4. Once approved and an instructor is assigned, read and sign LAC agreement.
  5. Once the agreement is signed, the course is posted online. Begin marketing for registration.

*Please note: if a Local Area Coordinator is already active in your area, leadership will discuss this with the existing LAC to determine if another coordinator will be needed. 

LAC Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Class Selection. Identify an appropriate class(es) for your desired audience.
  2. Scheduling and Logistics. Collaborate with instructor/SMEI Program Manager on scheduling and logistical concerns for class(es).
  3. Secure a Venue.
    1. Research venues and request multiple quotes for venue rental up to $300.00 per day for classes. Choose the most suitable venue for your class and the number of students you expect. Carefully consider airport proximity, building accessibility, accessible parking, and local eateries for quick lunches.
      1. Providing a space at no cost can potentially be exchanged for a free space in class. Contact SMEI Program Manager Candice Wade for additional information.
    2. Send the venue rental contract to the Events and Logistics Coordinator, Jessica Rife, at for signature and payment.
  4. Class Marketing.
    1. LAC leverages their professional/personal network, social media, and any other available avenues to market the event and recruit registration of attendees.
    2. LAC obtains any needed marketing materials from the LAC Toolkit. Contact the Program Manager for additional support and tools.
  5. Organize Lodging.
    1. LAC works with Events and Logistics Coordinator Jessica Rife to book lodging for the instructor teaching the class.
    2. LAC works with local hotels to secure a favorable block rate for attendees; rates are communicated to attendees.
  6. Scheduling
    1. LAC chooses the best dates to ensure a successful class - considering school calendars, holidays, other local events, etc.
    2. CANCELLATIONS: Except in the case of a family crisis on behalf of the instructor or a natural disaster at the event's location, all classes will cancel no less than ten (10) calendar days before the 1st day of the class.
    3. The minimum number of students for an in-person class is 12. Classes with less than 12 registrants ten (10) days before the start will be canceled or rescheduled.
      1. LAC purchases all supplies necessary for the event, which are reimbursable.
      2. LAC submits an itemized spreadsheet of all event expenses and copies of all receipts to SMEI Bookkeeper, Geri Brady, at for record keeping and reimbursement purposes.
      3. Set up, tear down, and be present for the entire in-person event. Manage class time. Ensure the event runs smoothly and all student and instructor needs are met. LACs who choose not to perform the tasks listed here may select someone registered for the class and share a portion of their compensation credit with them. Contact the Bookkeeper, Geri Brady, to share the credit.
    5. LAC exemplifies the MNRI Code of Ethics and Conduct.
  7. Confirm, Download, Connect.
    1. Instructor Engagement. After the class is approved, LAC receives an email from the Program Manager. Continue the conversation with the instructor to discuss all needs and relevant information.
    2. Welcome Letter. LAC sends a welcome letter 10-days before the class, including class times, location, and other important information. See the LAC Toolkit for an example.
    3. Close Registration. 24-hours before class starts, confirm the automatic closing of the registration process is complete.
    4. Download. Download and print all class forms. Follow VIEW LAC / INSTRUCTOR EVENT RESOURCES › REGISTRATIONS, FORMS, AND EVALUATIONS link, and find the appropriate class. Click on REGISTRATIONS.
  8. Organize Food and Beverages.
    1. SMEI no longer provides drinks or snacks. In the Welcome Letter, explain to students the importance of planning and bring their own.
    2. Provide a list of nearby dining options for attendees for lunch.
  9. After Class. Within 48-hour of class completion the following,
    1. Enter and submit final attendance into the system. Follow instructions from 7d (above).
    2. Mail hard copies of all course documents with signatures to SMEI at PO Box 1651, Chiefland, FL 32644.
    3. Email a thank you note and a promotion to check out our website, webstore, and the Foundation. See the LAC toolkit for a template.

Expectations, Duties, and Responsibilities for Hosting Online Classes

  1. Class Selection. Identify an appropriate class(es) for your desired audience.
  2. Scheduling and Logistics.
    1. Collaborate with instructor/SMEI Program Manager on scheduling and logistical concerns for class(es).
    2. The minimum number of attendees for an online class is 12. Any online classes with under 12 participants registered ten (10) calendar days before the class will be canceled or rescheduled at the instructor's discretion.
  3. Confirm Your Online Event.
    1. 10-days before the class, contact the Program Manager to confirm your online event and link.
  4. Event Marketing.
    1. Leverage your professional/personal network, social media, and any other available avenues to market the event and recruit registration of attendees.
    2. Obtain any needed marketing materials from the LAC Toolkit. Contact the Program Manager for additional support and tools.
  5. Engage.
    1. Optional: Monitor registrations and send thank you emails to each registrant announcing next steps. Please note registrants receive an automatic confirmation. This added personal contact can be a nice touch and increase your ability to build full classes in the future.
    2. 24-hours before class, send a welcome email attaching the FAQ sheet. Contact the Program Manager for a template. Remember to put student email addresses in the BCC field for privacy protection.
  6. Confirm, Download, Connect.
    1. Close Registration. 24-hours before class starts, confirm the automatic closing of the registration process is complete.
    2. Download. Download your class list. Follow VIEW LAC / INSTRUCTOR EVENT RESOURCES › REGISTRATIONS, FORMS, AND EVALUATIONS link, and find the appropriate class. Click on REGISTRATIONS.
    3. Connect.
      1. Instructor: 48-hours before the class starts, contact your instructor and review logistics like the schedule, how to best handle questions, etc. Each instructor is different. Your job is to support them in the best way possible based on their needs and desires.
      2. Students: 24-hours before class starts, send a reminder email including the FAQ sheet, online link, and manual download instructions. Remind them in the email that video participation is required for the entire class and that no one else can be present in the class with them. Students with their video turned off will be removed from the class.
  7. Host Your Class.
    1. 30-Minutes Before Class DAILY, log into class and start the session. Ensure technology is working, and the PPT is accessible. This is an excellent time to troubleshoot.
    2. Once the Zoom meeting starts, it automatically records to the cloud. Do NOT pause or stop the recording. Allow recording the entire time from initial login until final log out each day. If necessary, mute yourself and turn off your video until the class begins. NOTE: Any pausing or stopping of the recording will impact saving.
    3. Ensure the instructor has everything they need.
    4. Make the instructor a co-host.
    5. Pin the instructor, so they are the only person captured on the recording. If you want to see other cameras/individuals, log into the class via a second device for this purpose - in addition to your main login that is recording the video.
    6. Monitor break schedules as discussed and agreed to with the instructor 48 hours before the class.
    7. Day 1:
      1. Kick off the class by welcoming the group to the specific class.
      2. Tell them a little about yourself, what you do, where you are from, and how you came to the method.
      3. Let them know you are there to assist with technology, manage the schedule, and ensure the instructor answers their questions. You will not be answering questions. That is the instructor's role.
      4. Turn the class over to the instructor.
    8. Daily (including day 1):
      1. Record attendance as people enter the online class, welcome them, check for questions.
      2. Send another email to anyone who has not logged in to assist with any potential difficulties.
      3. Capture and save attendance for entry following the last day.
      4. Stay in the entire class to monitor CHAT for anyone with difficulties or questions.
      5. Capture CHAT questions and supply them to the instructor.
      6. Announce breaks.
      7. Monitor video cameras ensuring all are on the entire duration of each day of class. Also, ensure only the registered participants are learning the material. Send a private CHAT message to anyone whose camera is off. If they do not respond and turn on their camera, let them know this will result in them being removed from the Zoom session. If they do not respond or turn on their camera, remove them from the Zoom session.
      8. Once class is completed at the end of the day, End for All the Zoom meeting.
    9. Last Day:
      1. Thank all attendees and the instructor.
      2. Make announcements about:
        1. Evaluations must be completed to receive a certificate
        2. Related upcoming MNRI® classes
        3. MNRI® classes you are hosting
        4. MNRI® classes the instructor is teaching
        5. Upcoming MINDS lectures
        6. Upcoming Masgutova Foundation Events
      3. Provide your LAC contact information to students for questions and suggestions
      4. Encourage students to sign up for the mailing list to receive information about future classes if they haven't already.
  8. After Class. Within 48-hour of class completion,
    1. Enter attendance into the system. Follow instructions from 6b (above).
    2. Email a thank you note and a promotion to check out the MNRI® website, webstore, and the Masgutova Foundation. See the LAC toolkit for a template.

LAC Compensation

The Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute will compensate the LAC in the form of account credits as acknowledged on the chart below.

In-Person and Online Classes Account Credit per Student in US Dollars:

  • 1-Day Class (6-8 hours)  $10
  • 2-Day Class (12-16 hours)  $20
  • 3-Day Class (24 hours)  $30
  • 4-Day Class (32 hours)  $40

Any earned credits will be available in the LAC's account within 30 days of the close of the class, and wherein all necessary reports have been provided.

There are no additional benefits promised or implied.

Cancellation Policy

  • Within the United States:
    The course may be canceled if there are fewer than 12 first time participants registered 10 days before the first day of class. It is the LAC's responsibility to notify the Instructor if the number of first time participants registered 10 days before the first day of class is below the minimum requirement.  Reminder emails will be sent out to Instructor and LAC prior to registration closure. Returning Participants are charged a discounted rate and are not included in the 12 new students minimum requirement.
  • Outside of the United States:
    Policies for your course will be discussed prior to the agreement and outlined in your contract.

If you feel confident that you can meet these requirements, please continue below.

Continue To Hosting Request Form

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