Learning The Method
MNRI® Core Specialist Certification Program
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The MNRI Core Specialist Certification program has been developed for those who wish to enhance their understanding of and demonstrate their commitment to the MNRI Method.
Watch a video explaining our Core Specialist training pathway
The Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® is committed to excellence in training for all who decide to participate in our training program.
The MNRI® Core in Training Program is the entry point for all MNRI® students wishing to become an MNRI® Core Specialist. The MNRI® Core in Training Program consists of four (4) levels of specialized training known as IPETS. These must be completed in correct order to become an MNRI® Core Specialist. This training program is designed with sufficient rigor to ensure students become solidly grounded in the MNRI Method® and integrative techniques.
To enter the MNRI Core in Training Program the applicant must have the following:
- Complete the online Education Background Worksheet form (available in user account)
- BA or BS in any field or 2,000 hours of training in an accredited wellness discipline (included in background education form)
- Completion of a college course including anatomy and physiology (seperate or together) before the MNRI Core Training Program is completed (included in background education form). This course is available to audit through the Masgutova Graduate School and other colleges and universities.
- Have signed the online MNRI Trainee License Agreement on file (available in user account)
- Pay annual Professional Membership / Licensing Fee (available in user account)
- Have completed the MNRI Dynamic and Postural course at least once and completed another MNRI Course.
See "How to Enroll" section at bottom of page for next steps
Summary of the requirements to complete the MNRI Core Specialist Training:
A. Eleven (11) classes from MNRI curriculum
> Required: Dynamic and Postural (two times - one MUST be in-person)
> Required: NeuroTactile Integration
> Required: Archetype Movement Integration
> Required: NeuroStructural Reflex Integration
> Required: Lifelong Reflex Integration
> Five (5) other electives
B. Four IPET Pieces of training (plus clinical training hours)
> IPET NeuroTactile Integration - Level 1 (Or Level 2)
* Prerequisites: Tactile Integration and Dynamic and Postural
* To be followed by 64 hours of clinical training in Tactile
> IPET Archetype Movement Integration - Level 1 (Or Level 2)
* Prerequisites: Archetype Movement Integration and Dynamic and Postural
* To be followed by 64 hours of clinical training in Archetype
> IPET Repatterning and Integration 1 - Level 3
* Prerequisites: Everything from Level 1 PLUS Dynamic and Postural, NeuroTactile Integration, Plus any two of the following- Archetype Movement, Lifelong Reflex Integration, Upper Limbs, Proprioceptive and Cognitive Integration
* To be followed by 64 hours of clinical training in Reflex Integration
> IPET NeuroStructural Reflex Integration - Level 4
* Prerequisites: Everything from previous levels PLUS NeuroStructural Reflex Integration and Lifelong Reflex Integration
* Must be a Level 3 Core in Training to take this class
* To be followed by 64 hours of clinical training in Neuro Structural
**The completion of basic courses, clinical hours and required testing of each IPET allows you to be a specialist in that one area.**
The program is progressive and culminates with full certification as an MNRI® Core Specialist after completion of the following:
- Completion of at least eleven (11) MNRI® courses (Dynamic and Postural Reflex Integration must be taken twice before the completion of the training program)
- Completion of completion of at least four (4) IPET practicum courses
- Completion of a total of 256 clinical/hands-on hours (accumulated at designated MNRI® Family Conferences)
- Passed all required practical exams
- Completion of at least one MNRI® Case Study, uploaded via your SMEI user account for review and approval. This should be completed before you come to your final Conference or Clinic as a Core In Training.
- Completion of the MNRI® Core Specialist application process
- Completed MNRI® Core Specialist License Agreement
- Registerd and paid for annual membership
Student Roles and Responsibilities:
The roles and responsibilities change and grow for MNRI® students as they progress through their MNRI® education. Throughout their training, all MNRI® students are to adhere to the following MNRI® Code of Ethics and Conduct and these basic standards:
- Put the needs and care of the families first
- Maintain the highest professional behavior
- Attend and be on time for all training sessions and attend all morning and afternoon debriefings
- Observe, attend, and participate in Conference activities as directed by the Conference Manager
- Complete required practical exams to fulfill training requirements
How to enroll:
Once you have completed 1 course, a new section will appear in your online user account titled MNRI® training and agreements. The Educational Background and Core Trainee Agreement forms are found in this section. You will also find a link to enroll in our professional membership / licensing program. Once these forms have been submitted and you have enrolled in the professional membership program, your account will be updated to Core In Training Status.