Welcome to the Masgutova Stress Resiliency Questionnaire.
This questionnaire was designed by Dr. Svetlana Masgutova in order to help measure an individual's stress resiliency capabilities. When completing this questionnaire, please report on the stress response when dealing with stress beyond the everyday stressor. Stress that is intense, more extreme, or a severe stressor. The Masgutova Foundation invites you to repeat this questionnaire at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 month intervals, so you may monitor your stress resiliency. In order to facilitate this comparison, you may print your results at the end of the survey. Please note that this questionnaire is part of ongoing research and program development by Dr. Masgutova and the Masgutova Foundation.
Please create a User ID using the first letter of each word in your name and your birthday formatted as MMDDYY. Example: Jon Paul Doe, April 10, 1975 = User ID: JPD041075If you are completing for someone else, please use their name and birthday.If you have previously been assigned a User ID, continue to use that ID.