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Learn More
While we have done our best to answer questions you may have regarding the Masgutova Method®, organization, treatment, and becoming a student in the various sections of our website, we acknowledge that there is always more information that can be explored to help richen your knowledge. To that end, we would like to share additional information regarding each of the below topics.
Ongoing Research
Research is ongoing for the Masgutova organization. As various areas of investigation are completed, we will share with you relevant findings. This section provides a brief summary of each of the lines of investigation currently in progress. If you are interested in supporting our research process by initiating a particular line of investigation, please contact our organization headquarters to share with us your thoughts.
From time to time, Masgutova publishes articles in a downloadable format. Please check back as new publications will be posted here.
We invite you to read a couple interesting articles below:
“ The Masgutova Method of Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration: Key to Health, Development and Learning,” S. Masgutova, Edited by S. Wenberg, M.A and M. Retschler M.Ed
“ Masgutova Method of Reflex Integration for Children with Cerebral Palsy,” S. Masgutova, Edited by S. Wenberg M.A. and M. Retschler M.Ed.
The media section is a where you can view or listen to videos or audio files that relate to the MNRI method.
Glossary of Terms
For those in our audience new to the concept of motor reflex integration, there may be terms used in this site that are new to you and not easy to understand. To lower the learning curve and ease the process of understanding, we have included a glossary of terms. If you find we are missing definitions for words you find confusing, please let us know, and we will do our best to update and expand the glossary supplied here based on your helpful input.
»Click To View Glossary
Useful Links
In the process of assembling the content for this site, we ran across many website links we thought professionals and families visiting our site might find useful or informative. If there are links you have found useful that you think should be shared here, please let us know and we will expand our list to allow others to benefit from your insight.
»Click For More Information
Masgutova Method-MNRI Google Group
The Masgutova Method-MNRI Google Group is an independently managed group for parents of children with challenges, professionals working with challenged populations, and adults with challenges. The group was initiated and is currently managed by a parent well versed in the benefits and dynamics of the Masgutova Method. We would like to thank her for her continued dedication to managing this group and acknowledge the admirable service she continues to provide in the ongoing management and moderation of this site. To learn more about Masgutova Method-MNRI Google Grou click the link below.
»Click For More Information
The MINDS Group
The Masgutova Integrative NeuroDevelopment Group for Science, Research, Information and Continuing Education was founded by Dr. Svetlana Masgutova in 2020 to promote interdisciplinary research and provide information and educational programming in the fields of neuro-sensory-motor reflex integration and neurodevelopmental science and practice.
Among its activities, The MINDS Group conducts regularly scheduled virtual lectures on various topics that relate to neurodevelopment, such as "The MNRI® Method: Concept of Stem Cell Production Using Reflex Exercises" and "Breathing Reflexes in Acute / Post-Stress / Trauma."
Each topic typically is addressed through a mini-series of 2-hour lectures. The MINDS Group is a team-based and synergistic forum. We invite you to listen to the latest advancements in neurodevelopment!
Each lecture is composed of a group of recurring and guest lecturers who are considered experts or thought leaders in their field. The MINDS Group presenters represent a diverse mix of professional backgrounds in health care, wellness, and neurodevelopmental science, including Dr. Svetlana Masgutova.
The MINDS Group will support the ongoing mission of the Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institutes (the SMEI, LLC,Masgutova Foundation and The Masgutova Graduate School of NeuroDevelopmental Sciences) and the MNRI® Method, which is to provide scientific knowledge and application of the best neurodevelopmental and well-being practices, utilizing non-invasive reflex neuromodulation techniques for professionals, parents, and caregivers to address neurodevelopmental challenges and to maximize the genetically given potential of all children and adults.
To register for an upcoming lecture, click here.
To purchase and view a past lecture, click here.