Learning The Method
MNRI® Instructor Program
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MNRI® Instructors play a central role in the furthering and establishment of the MNRI Method around the world. Instructors are selected using a rigorous application process and receive dedicated training to equip them for the position.
This certification requires additional coursework in Dynamic and Posture Reflex Integration and mastery in the MNRI® course that the candidate wishes to teach.
This position also requires deep knowledge of the Masgutova Method® and foundational science. Consequently, it is expected that MNRI® Instructor/Lecturers will stay current on the Masgutova Method®. This will entail continuing education and required attendance of certain training events.
An individual who wishes to pursue the certification of Instructor must have completed the MNRI Core Specialist Certification Program and successfully completed the Student Teacher program.
You can read more regarding this program-
»Download MNRI® Instructor Student Teacher Guidelines
We invite you to take some time to fill out our evaluation forms.
»Instructor and Student Teacher Self Evaluation Form
Please Note: If instructors have not taught a specific class in 5 years, they will need to retrain and complete an in-person/hands-on exam on the materials before they can teach the class again.
MNRI® Assessment Specialist: Certified MNRI® Core Specialist should contact SMEI for details.
MNRI® Researcher: Certified MNRI® Core Specialists should contact SMEI for details.