Learning The Method

MNRI® is a foundational therapeutic intervention that supports higher-level abilities and skills for all individuals.
The MNRI® / Masgutova Method® utilizes non-invasive techniques and exercises to support reflex integration, nervous system regulation, and whole-person health. The programs focus on the maturation of primary sensory-motor patterns to optimize brain-body function.
Decades of practical work and published research have demonstrated the positive effects of MNRI® on sensory-motor integration and physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development
in babies, children, and adults.
Our services include:

MNRI® Reflex Assessments
An assessment evaluates the profile of 20-30 primary reflexes and informs the necessary MNRI® interventions and customized home program.
Clinics & Conferences
Sessions at our Lake Nona clinic are available by appointment only. Intensive clinics and conferences are conducted in Orlando and throughout the U.S.
Education & Training
We offer online, in-person, and hybrid classes on MNRI® and neurodevelopment. Many of our classes provide CEUs.