The Method
MNRI® Assessment
Assessment clinics are a great way to obtain personalized recommendations for treatment. These assessments are conducted by Dr. Masgutova or other Certified Assessment professionals. These assessments aid in developing at home care programs that parents and individuals can implement. These Assessments are also highly beneficial for those parents and individuals who have received at home care plans previously and are looking to update their program.
A family typically chooses to attend an MNRI Assessment Clinic when:
- They do not have access to a local certified MNRI resource in their area they live and would like guidance putting together a basic home treatment program.
- Families who have previously been provided a home treatment program through attending either a MNRI Educational Family Conference or another MNRI Clinic and would like guidance updating their MNRI home Treatment program.
Clinic Assessment Session Duration:
During a session, a family will receive an assessment with Dr. Masgutova or another Certified Assessment professional. This assessment session takes about 30 minutes. Additional time can be scheduled with a highly trained Core Specialist to work with your family in implementing the treatment as recommended in the Assessment.
A family can choose to participate in one session or multiple sessions. The number of sessions a family is allowed to sign up for is limited by the number of sessions available on the Assessment Clinic schedule at the time of registration.
Clinic Assessment Session Focus:
MNRI Neuro-structural and Dynamic and Postural integration technique application, a general assessment (gained through integration technique observation), and a basic home program checklist along with a basic review of techniques important to continuing the home program.
Upcoming Clinics, Individual Session Fees & Registration:
Refer to the MNRI event schedule on the Masgutova Foundation website for a list of upcoming assessment clinics, to determine clinic session fees and to begin the registration process.