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Courses, Conferences & Tools

Advancements in Neurodevelopment: MNRI® for feeding in babies 0-6 months. Parents’ cases of feeding challenges in early childhood

Streaming Media › 28 day online viewing access
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Advancements in Neurodevelopment: MNRI® for feeding in babies 0-6 months. Parents’ cases of feeding challenges in early childhood

Streaming Media › 28 day online viewing access

In cases of dysfunction or pathology, intervention using the MNRI® techniques from day one of life will provide the greatest chance of transforming an abnormal developmental trajectory and maladaptive mechanisms toward re-routing the neurodevelopmental pathways for normalization. This lecture underscores this concept by exploring the maturation of oral motor reflexes in babies ages 0 to 6 months, including an overview on primary reflexes in the context of oral motor development. A brief discussion on how primary reflexes work in synergistic ways during neurodevelopment is provided. Selected MNRI®I techniques to facilitate the progression of oral motor reflexes are demonstrated.

This lecture explores some of those interventions through the case of three parents, whose babies were born with a genetic disorder and faced a number of challenges in the NICU. {Neither child received the MNRI® / Masgutova Method® early in life, and only one did later in life, as knowledge of the method was not available at that time. After working through a number of different approaches, with little to no change, these parents experienced significant improvements in the child’s feeding skills upon beginning MNRI® / Masgutova Method® when the child was older.}


Expert Interview: Brianna Miluk, MS, CCC-SLP, CLC, Volunteer Ambassador of Feeding Matters, CEO and Founder of Pediatric Feeding Therapy, LLC and Founder and President of Miluk Forward Foundation

Yichien Su, MS-CCC, SLP and MNRI® Core Specialist

Kathy Ames Carr, MFA, The Masgutova Foundation

Dan Carr, MS-CCC, SLP and MNRI® Core In Training

Video Runtime:  2 hours, 20 minutes, 48 seconds.

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