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Courses, Conferences & Tools

Applications in Neurodevelopment: Effects of Reflex Maturation for Speech Language Development 13-24 months including effective communication strategies for therapists and caregivers

Streaming Media › 28 day online viewing access
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Applications in Neurodevelopment: Effects of Reflex Maturation for Speech Language Development 13-24 months including effective communication strategies for therapists and caregivers

Streaming Media › 28 day online viewing access

The MINDS Group lecture series on speech development continues with this presentation of primary reflexes that support communication and speech-language development in children 13-24 months of age. Synergistic properties of primary reflexes and their effect on social interaction and verbal language progress will also be discussed. In addition, social interaction will be further explored by discussing the parents' role as primary communication partners. Useful communication tools for parents, caregivers, and therapists will be highlighted to enhance and encourage reciprocal communication from their children at this language stage. Strategies from The Hanen Program and Communicating Partners Program will be shared in order to encourage communication turn taking and increase vocabulary and shared experience.

 Presented by: 

Yichien Su, MS-CCC, SLP and MNRI® Core Specialist 

Amy Cameron, MA, CCC-SP and MNRI® Core Specialist and Instructor

Video Runtime:  2 hours, 13 minutes, 35 seconds.

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