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Courses, Conferences & Tools

Breathing As a Reflex. Strengthen Your Stress Resilience and Immunity with MNRI® Reflex Exercises during the Coronavirus Pandemic

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Breathing As a Reflex. Strengthen Your Stress Resilience and Immunity with MNRI® Reflex Exercises during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Streaming Media › 28 day online viewing access

Breathing As a Reflex. Strengthen Your Stress Resilience and Immunity with MNRI® Reflex Exercises during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
This lecture explores breathing and swallowing in children with neurological challenges and the role of MNRI®  in the improvement of breathing. In-depth anatomy and physiology of the breathing system, including the breathing centers in the brain and the functions of the  diaphragm in breathing and postural control, are discussed. This lecture also addresses the brief embryological / fetal development of breathing and swallowing, the neurophysiological swallowing and coordination with breathing, the impacts of breathing and swallowing, and oral-facial primary reflexes that can improve breathing.  Featured presenters: Laurie Longest, MS, PT, MNRI® Core Specialist, MNRI® Instructor; Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, Ph.D. and MNRI® Founder and Creator;  Yichien Su, MS-CCC, SLP and MNRI® Core Specialist; and Betsy Howell, PT, MS, MNRI Core-In-Training.

Video Runtime:  2 hours, 27 minutes, 44 seconds.

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