Courses, Conferences & Tools
Advancements in NeuroDevelopment: Early Intervention: MNRI Concepts and Dialogue
Advancements in NeuroDevelopment: Early Intervention: MNRI Concepts and Dialogue
Over the last decades, pediatric disciplines promote the globally important concept of Early Intervention for successful development and well-being of our children. Research estimates roughly 600,000 babies are born at risk for early delays each year in the U.S., and fewer than 50% are identified early.
Therefore, what is the optimal time frame in a human’s life for the most effective Early Intervention? And what should be the fundamental aspects of such Intervention?
This lecture discusses the rationale and effectiveness of Early Intervention and Preventive Action according to the laws of natural development of the Nervous System versus the traditional diagnosed-based and/or a deviation/disorder in a symptom / development-based approaches.
The MNRI® Reflex Development Program for a Newborn and Infant proposes one of the most unique and productive concepts of working during the neurophysiological sensitive timeframe, in coherence with the processes of neurodevelopment (neuro-adaptivity, neuro-connectivity, and neuroplasticity) and using a reflex schema as naturally/genetically given unit and function of the nervous system.
This lecture offers an overview on how in case of dysfunction or pathology, intervention using the MNRI® techniques from day one of life will provide the greatest chance of transforming an abnormal developmental trajectory and maladaptive mechanisms toward re-routing the neurodevelopmental pathways for normalization.
In the case of neuro-typical development, the intervention at the very beginning of life will ease the transitional phase from aqua-uterine reflexes to ground reflexes and optimize protection and strengthening of the nervous system, all creating a solid groundwork for further neurodevelopment and growth.
This lecture introduces also the MNRI® Intronaut Reflex Program concepts as an early intervention facilitation of the intrauterine and infant reflexes in working with future mother and the unborn baby’s reflexes. This program is reinforcing and widening furthermore the idea of a unique type of Early Intervention - during extremely sensitive and developmentally significant timeframe of reflex emergence and growth.
Isabelle Renard-Fontaine, PT, MNRI® Core Specialist, MNRI® Instructor
Video Runtime: 2 hours, 17 minutes, 30 seconds.