Courses, Conferences & Tools
The MNRI® Reflex Integration: Improve the Primary Motor Developmental Markers in Children and Young People with ASD
The MNRI® Reflex Integration: Improve the Primary Motor Developmental Markers in Children and Young People with ASD
The MNRI® Reflex Neuromodulation and Integration program has been demonstrated to show significant positive effects on the developmental markers of children and teens with ASD, including:
- sensory-motor integration
- motor development
- behavioral regulation
- emotional stability and maturity
- cognitive / language development
- immunity regulation
- brain wave spectrum regulation
- neurophysiological markers.
This lecture explores the theory, research, and practical application of MNRI in ASD, and underscores why how and why sensory-motor reflex integration is foundational for treating ASD symptoms and behaviors.
LECTURERS: Svetlana Masgutova, Ph.D., MNRI® Founder and Creator, and Isabelle Renard-Fontaine, MSPT, MNRI® Instructor and Core Specialist
Video Runtime: 56 minutes, 50 seconds.