Courses, Conferences & Tools

Courses, Conferences & Tools

Advances in NeuroDevelopment: The Effect of MNRI® on Individuals with Brain Damage caused by Non-Fatal Drowning (NFD) or Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)

Streaming Media › 28 day online viewing access
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Advances in NeuroDevelopment: The Effect of MNRI® on Individuals with Brain Damage caused by Non-Fatal Drowning (NFD) or Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)

Streaming Media › 28 day online viewing access
This MINDS Group lecture explores the physiology of anoxia and hypoxia in individuals with non-Fatal Drowning or HIE, Aquatic reflexes. Deprivation and NFD / HIE, and Protection responses and posturing in NFD / HIE. 

Lecturers: Laurie Longest, MS, PT, MNRI® Core Specialist, MNRI® Instructor; Isabelle Renard-Fontaine, PT, MNRI® Core Specialist, MNRI® Instructor, and Svetlana Masgutova, PhD and MNRI® Creator.
Video Runtime:  2 hours, 36 minutes, 34 seconds.

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