Courses, Conferences & Tools

Courses, Conferences & Tools

Breathing Reflexes in Acute and Post Stress/Trauma

Streaming Media › 28 day online viewing access
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Breathing Reflexes in Acute and Post Stress/Trauma

Streaming Media › 28 day online viewing access

Breathing Reflexes in Acute and Post-Stress / Trauma.
The first installment of this multi-series on breathing explores the anatomy, physiology, and neurophysiology of breathing. Disorders in breathing and breathing in protection and survival are explored.  MNRI®  reflex exercises to optimize breathing and maximize residual lung volume are presented. Featured presenters:  Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, Ph.D. and MNRI® Founder and Creator; Betsy Howell, PT, MS, MNRI® Core-In-Training, Isabelle Renard-Fontaine, Isabelle Renard-Fontaine, PT, MNRI® Core Specialist, MNRI® Instructor

Video Runtime:  2 hours, 10 minutes, 2 seconds.

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