Event Registration

Event Registration

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CAPT CertificationAOTA Certification
The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply
endorsement of specific course content, products, or
clinical procedures by AOTA or indicate AOTA approval
of a certification or other professional recognition.
This course is offered for 2.4 AOTA CEUs /
24 Contact Hours (Introductory level;
Occupational Therapy Process: Evaluation, Intervention)
NCBTMB CertificationASHA Certification
Svetlana Masgutova
Educational Institute LLC
Introductory Level
ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block
does not imply endorsement of course content, specific
products or clinical procedures.

MNRI® Stress Hormones and Reflex Integration

A hard copy of the manual will be provided.
Dates: May 19-21, 2019
Location: Woodcliff Lake, NJ
Address: Hilton Woodcliff Lakes NJ
Instructor: Lori Burgess
Local Area  
Coordinator: Mimi Seif
Email: ckjell@gmx.com
Phone: 845-216-2238
$585 - First Time Attendance
$351 - Repeat Attendance

CEUs: This course is offered for 2.4 ASHA CEUs
(Introductory level, Professional area)
This course is offered for 2.4 AOTA CEUs / 24 Contact Hours
(Introductory; Occupational Therapy Process: Evaluation, Intervention)

CE Hours: This course is offered for 24 NCBTMB CE Hours

Prerequisite Classes:
  • MNRI® Dynamic and Postural Reflex Integration
Any 2 additional classes are also required
For any questions regarding prerequisites, please contact us.
The Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute (SMEI) is committed to a sustainable future. We are excited to provide a digital course manual with every class registration, both online and in-person. While we invite you to join us in our efforts, we understand hard copies may be easier for some. Therefore, printed manuals will remain available for purchase. To order yours, use the link provided on your receipt or via your MasgutovaMethod.com account.

The Masgutova Method® is a set of programs focused on the restoration and maturation of primary movements, reflexes, coordination systems, skills for optimal performance of natural mechanisms, developmental processes, brain functioning, and sensory-motor integration. You can read more about Reflexes and MNRI HERE.

Watch an overview of how MNRI works

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The Mission of the Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute (SMEI) is to provide health, wellness and educational professionals, parents, and caregivers with non-invasive techniques to address maturational, developmental, and life challenges.

MNRI® Reflex Integration for Stress Hormone Regulation

The Masgutova Method® is a set of programs focused on the restoration and maturation of primary sensory-motor patterns, reflexes, skills for optimal performance of developmental mechanisms and brain functioning. The Masgutova Method® is oriented on the stimulation of reflex patterns in order to support genetic sensory-motor schemes, self-regenerating programs, strengthen sensory-motor memory and facilitates stress-management and PTSD recovery. The MNRI® restoration of stress-management is realized through support of the neurophysiological reflex circuit functions.

The Mission of the MNRI® Program and Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration, LLC is to provide children and adults reliable knowledge and safe tools for the use of natural, genetic sensory-motor resources to facilitate successful neurosensorimotor development, stress-management and successful learning.

Course Objectives

Participants of this MNRI® Program and Course will take part in both course discussion and hands-on supervised practice. In this course, participants will be introduced to information about neurophysiological and psychological aspects of the stress, distress and traumatic stress. The course aims to explain the role of reflex integration and its benefits for brain function, recovery from stress, distress, Post-Traumatic Stress and PTS Disorder. The focus of this program is information concerning Reflex Integration Disorder (RID) and how it leads to poor stress-management and deficiencies in the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenaline-Stress-axis (HPA-stress-axis) and its stress-hormones regulation. Also topics on the effect of stress and PTSD on neurophysiology of a reflex circuit, as well as whole brain functioning in protection and survival mode will be discussed. The program will give information on the neurodevelopmental, psychological and physical functioning of individuals (children and adults) in state of alarm, stress (imagined or/and real) trauma and PTSD; and, the correlation with reflex circuit functions and stress resistance. The Stress-Resistance Profile Test (psychological) in combination with Defense Reflex Patterns Assessment (MNRI®) will be provided. The MNRI® Assessment is aimed at defining the level of integration of the following reflexes: Core Tendon Guard, Moro, and Fear Paralysis. This assessment also gives information on the respiratory system and other reflexes which offer protection for the body and influence the stress-hormones regulation as part of endocrine and nerve/brain system.

This MNRI®: Reflex Integration for Stress Hormone Regulation is based on the extensive experiences of Dr. S. Masgutova working with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with victims of the Chernobyl disaster (1986-1996), the Baku conflict (1990-1991), the earthquake in Armenia (1989-1999), the train crash in Ufa (1989), the Chechen War (1996-1999), conflicts in Israel (2001-2005) and other traumatic situations. Dr. Masgutova’s work with PTSD became the foundation of the MNRI® PTSD Program, opening resources for survival and beyond which includes her recent work with the MNRIÒ Team using the Reflex Integration PTSD Protocol with individuals who experienced trauma in Newtown, NJ and disaster victims in the Philippine Islands. This course also incorporates new studies on the immune system and reflex integration headed by professor. N. Akhmatova and her staff at I.M. Mechnikov Scientific Research Institute of Russian Medical Sciences Academy.

MNRI® proposes original and simple concepts and tools for work with stress and traumatic stress management. This new paradigm for recovery interventions is based on the idea of neurosensorimotor reflex integration and stress-hormones regulation using the sensory motor circuits of specific reflex patterns to channel resources of brain stem and re-building the negative anchors (self-preservation, territorial and power instincts, fear and panic, panic attack and anxiety). Information on the limbic system or so-called emotional brain will be given emphasis on how this area of the brain primarily deals with stress, emotions and memory. Whenever an event is perceived by a person as a threat, real or imagined, the limbic system responds immediately via the autonomic nervous system regulating work of the endocrine glands and metabolism.

This course will offer information on L. Vygotsky’s work (1930) and explain his theory of child cognitive development through the pallidar system in brain development. Vygotsky’s research offers explanations for poor neurodevelopment rooted in the lack of integration of the sensory-motor system and their corresponding work of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. Reflexes play the determining role in the possibility of developing inner control and self-socialization with sensory-motor integration.

This MNRI® Program explains how the PTSD causes Reflex Integration Disorder (RID), which was missed in modern research, and how the practical application of neurosensorimotor reflex integration changes the brain. The MNRI Pilot Research shows that post-traumatic survivors have over 35% of their reflex patterns functioning on the level of disorder and have combined with negative emotional anchors. This course proposes discussion on the topic of the RID and deficit in the proper workings of the electric-bio-conductivity in the reflex circuit. The limbic system, basal ganglia, thalamus linked by the RAS system in stress, coordinates the other aspect of the HPA stress-axis affecting the cortex and whole brain functioning. RID can negatively affect the executive function of the brain for formation of internal control on the cognitive, emotional and physical levels. Behavioral aspects of RID includes a lack of internal control, poor reasoning thinking, impulsiveness, challenging defensive behavior, improper decisions, lack of awareness, inability for better choices, depression, anger, and deficits in the immune system.

This course will emphasize the importance of learning healthy ways to cope with the stressors and manage the stress-hormones using new techniques which optimize the reflex pattern functions. Discussion on how a person in stress experiences a wide range of reactions: physical, emotional, mental will be given and how the work of their endocrine system is important for over-all health and wellbeing. Specific explanations on how the endocrine system regulates the hormones to keep the body in homeostasis and balance other metabolic processes will be given.  Information on how the body mobilizes the energy of internal organs, muscles and brain and how the organism functions in stress will be covered.

The MNRI® reflex integration processes transition these negative anchors and unintegrated reflex patterns to a positive path for survival recovery and creates the feeling of safety. This feeling of safety enhances the ability to make choices for a healthy productive here-and-now existence and active life style. The presence of negative stress or trauma activates automatic survival responses, effects hormone regulation, and can cause distortions in sensory-motor integration, neurodevelopment and neuroplasticity and can lead to neurodeficits. This is why we need stress-self-management tools to develop the integrity of the system.

The MNRI®:Reflex Integration for Stress-Hormone Regulation program offers the ‘missing link’ on ways to bring integrity at the neural level for protection and survival; brings integration of the brain and the associated functions of sensory processing and motor activity; offers a possibility for the return of routine behaviors; emotional processes; memory, and learning. The MNRI® Stress-Regulation Protocol contains unique neuro-sensory-motor and sensory-structural exercises for the repatterning of non-productive protective reflexes, breathing management, and immune-stress modulation and will be the target of the learning for this class. These integrative exercises are based on the concept of restoration of the HPA-stress-axis mechanism and stress hormones regulation; and, the newest immunological and psychological research of effect of stress on immune system provided by medical researchers (N. Akhmatova, MD, Prof., E. Akhmatov, MD, PH.D absolvent/student, D. Masgutov, MA, S. Masgutova, Post Ph.D., 2014, at I.M. Mechnikov Scientific Research Institute of Russian Medical Sciences Academy and SMEI LLC). Effective tools for optimizing the stress-management and treatment of survivors of traumatic events can be used for a variety of symptoms connected with deficits in stress-hormone regulation.

This program offers examples of MNRI® exercises and techniques that offer playful movements and activities to make the neurosensorimotor integration sessions motivating for children and adults. This offers the possibility for true recovery and return back to normal life. One of the most important goals of the program is to demonstrate positive social development through activation of neurophysiology of imitation and creativity. This Program can be used as a stress/distress release program.

Learner Objectives: MNRI Stress Hormones and Reflex Integration Course

Upon successful completion of the three-day, 24-hour MNRI®: Reflex Integration for Stress Hormone Regulation and Trauma Recovery participants will:

  1. Develop knowledge of neurosensorimotor reflex integration as the basis for successful support of an individual’s stress-hormone regulation (HPA-stress-axis), trauma and PTSD release and recovery, neurodevelopmental complications; and, provide sensorimotor and motor integration, improved behavioral and emotional responses, hyper vigilant/arousal states, avoidance behaviors, reliving past experiences, and cognitive hands-on tasks.

  2. Explain the importance of correct functioning of the Reflex Circuit that are concerned with defense (including amygdala responses) mechanisms for finding the best therapeutic neuro-physiological strategies for the development of stress self-management, trauma release and positive survival in patients.

  3. Explain how this recovery intervention based on the idea of reflex integration using the sensory motor links of the reflex circuit to channel brain stem anchors (self-preservation, territorial and power instincts) for positive survival and transition to a safe and healthy here and now experience.

  4. Summerize the behavioral-cognitive links in individuals with poor stress-management and coping challenges to transform negative ‘anchors’ and create positive ones based on innate mechanisms of neurodevelopment and neuroplasticity.

  5. Describe how the opportunity for formation of inner control through the balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems and balance of excitatory (glutamate, substance P) and inhibitory neurotransmitters (acetylcholine, dopamine, GABA) links  with the HPA stress-axis mechanism.

  6. Demonstrate the correct protocol for creating these stress-hormone-behavioral-cognitive anchors through reflex repatterning as the procedure for developing the self-survival mechanisms of the brainstem, RAS and Thalamus.

  7. Explain survival mechanisms in stress and traumatic stress and involvement of reflex patterns into this process.

  8. Describe how stress, chronic stress and PTSD can affect reflex patterns and their functions creating Reflex Integration Disorder (RID).

  9. Explain how stress, chronic stress and PTSD can cause automated tendency for stress hormones production in the PTSD individual, which leads to a cycle of addiction, diseases and other negative psychosomatic anchors      

  10. Describe the neurophysiological aspects of the reflex integration and its benefits for optimizing brain functions, stress management and recovery from Post Traumatic Stress and PTS Disorder.

  11. Explain the ‘missing link’ and how it brings integrity to the neural level for protection and survival; integration of the reflex patterns and brain strategies; and increases the associated functions of sensory processing, motor activity, routine behaviors, emotional processes, memory, and learning.

  12. Demonstrate the reflex patterns of Bonding, Core Tendon Guard, Hands Supporting, Hands and Foot Grasp, Visual Convergence-Divergence, Ocular-Vestibular and Opto-kinetic, Stapedius, ATNR, Automatic Gait, Hands Pulling and their integration for restoration of the stress-hormone regulation, motor programming and control, emotional and behavioral responses; and, overcoming the addictive process of over production of  the stress hormones.

  13. Explain the basis for the development of inner control, cognitive fine motor coordination, speech, stress-hormone and self-regulation, and self-management with the implementation of the MNRI® repatterning exercises and role-playing games.

  14. Explain the use of reflex pattern integration in the correction and formation of motor-cognitive coordination and fine motor skills in individuals with poor stress-hormone regulation and PTSD. This reflex pattern integration will assist in the improvement of emotional coping, cognitive memory, hand-eye and hand-auditory-articulation systems, as well as the auditory-vestibular and space-time orientation.

  15. Describe interesting and motivating examples of movements, games and activities to enhance the MNRI® processes of integration exercises. The role of metaphors for support of limbic system, basal ganglia and brainstem functions will be discussed to re-orient stress-hormones and self-management skills.

  16. Summerize reflex patterns between the neurotypical child and the child with PTSD, as well as the differences between children and adults with PTSE and PTSD

  17. Evaluate and develop appropriate strategies to incorporate the use of the MNRI® Reflex Integration for Stress-Hormones Regulation Program in daily practice.

  18. Demonstrate hands-on-training to conduct assessments using this MNRI® Program to discover nonintegrated or immature reflex patterns of which cause protective responses, and emotional, behavioral and cognitive challenges.

  19. Complete individual programs using this MNRI® Program to repattern, activate, and integrate these defense reflex patterns for positive coping survival, easy learning, and joyful development.

  20. Demonstrate non-verbal techniques of the reflex integration for the reconstruction of positive protection (freezing / inhibition) and survival (fight and flight / reactivity) mechanisms which support the proper functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve net.

  21. Apply this MNRI® Program to develop corrective and self-corrective individual programs based on assessment techniques to enhance overall emotional, motivational, behavioral, and motor challenges and stress-hormones regulation.

Course Format

Course Hours: 24
2.4 CEUs

Hours 1-2: Neurosensorimotor reflex integration

Hour 3: Reflex Integration Disorder (RID)

Break 30 minutes

Hour 4: Reflex Integration Disorder (RID) continued

Hours 5-6: Survival reflextes


Hour 7:  Survival reflexes

Hour 8: Reflex patterns

Hour 9: Reflexes and innter control

Break 30 minutes

Hour 10: Reflexes and inner control

Hour 11: Basis for the formation of primary

Hour 12: Reflexes for stress release


Hours 13-14: Reflexes for stress release continued

Hour 15: Reflex patters form basis of fine motor skills

Break 30 minutes

Hour 16: Games and activities

Hours 17-18: Correlation of reflex patterns, emotions, behavior and learning skills


Hour 19: Reflex patterns of the neurotypical child and one with PTSD

Hour 20: Head Righting

Hours 21: Activation of diaphragm techniques and its effect on breathing

Break 30 minutes

Hours 22-23: Activation of diaphragm techniques and its effect on breathing

Hour 24: Review of the techniques


  1. MNRI® Dynamic and Postural Reflex Integration and two other MNRI® courses
  2. Completed a Trainee Agreement

Financial Disclosure: Lori Burgess receives a stipend based upon an enrollment percentage.

Non-financial Disclosure: No relevant relationship exists.

Course Disclosure: The Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute has developed and patented a licensed technology trademarked as MNRI®. Because there are no other like-kind products available, course offerings will only cover information that pertains to the effective and safe use of the above-named products. This presentation will focus exclusively on MNRI® and will not include information on other similar or related products or services.

Special Needs Requests: If you require special accommodations, please notify SMEI at events@masgutovamethod.com at the time of registration so that needed accommodations can be made prior to the course.

Course Completion Requirements: Full attendance is required to receive a certificate of completion and any available credit hours or CEUs.

Target audience:
Speech Language Pathologists, Speech Language Pathologist Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants, Nurses, Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Educators, Psychologists, Physicians, Massage Therapists, Mental Health Counselors, Other Health Care Providers, Parents.

In Person Courses: Self Assessment and technique demonstration.
On line Courses: Self Assessment and technique demonstration.

SMEI Cancellation and Refund Policy

Courses are subject to cancellation due to lack of minimum required participants registered for the course within 10 days of the course start date. Full refunds (or transfer of funds to online account for future use) will be issued if the course is canceled due to the low number of attendees.

We recommend that attendees who will be flying do not purchase their flight until after the 10 day window has elapsed to avoid a nonrefundable circumstance with the airline. SMEI is not liable for any ticket costs related to the course being canceled. SMEI is not liable for any costs related to transportation (airline tickets, train, taxi, etc) due to the cancellation of an event.

  • Participants will receive a full refund for registration cancellation up to 21 days prior to the course.
  • A 10% administration charge will be retained for cancellations within 15-20 days prior to the course.
  • A 25% administration charge will be retained for cancellations within 14 days prior to the course.
Manual Download Policy

Once a student has downloaded the manual or any course resources, payment for this course can be transferred to a different time and location of the same course; however NO REFUNDS and NO TRANSFERS TO A DIFFERENT COURSE are allowed, even if the course is cancelled by the LAC or Instructor.

Transferring Policy

Participants who wish to transfer registration and payment to another SMEI course may do so.
*Participant must have selected the course they wish to transfer to at the time of the request. All refunds will be held until the transfer course has been selected. 

* A 2.5% transaction fee (processing fee) will be withheld on all refunds that were processed using credit card/PayPal. If a participant wishes the refund to be paid directly to their account via credit card/PayPal, PayPal may also charge the participant an additional 2.5% transaction fee (processing fee). Refund by check is available upon request. For questions contact us.

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