Family Conference Survey

Family Conference Survey


Hello! Thank you for being apart of MNRI. We are so blessed to partner with you in providing hope and joy to all of those who attend our conferences.

We are striving to be the best we can be for you and those whom you love. Please let us know how we are doing and the areas we can improve on.

This survey is anonymous (unless a name is provided).

* : required
First Name:
Last Name:
Individual Name of Participant who received treatment:

Overall Conference Experience

Number of Conferences Attended:
How would you rate your first experience with MNRI?
How can we improve the experience for first time attendees?
How would you rate your overall experience?

Why the answer above?

The length of the Conference was:
Why the answer above?
How would you rate the food provided at conferences?
Why the answer above?
How can we improve the overall Conference experience?
Would you refer someone to MNRI?*
Why/Why Not?
Did you feel prepared for the Conference:

Why the answer above?


Overall how would you rate the care received from our Specialists?
Why did you give the rating above?
The specialists do a good job of teaching their techniques and processes:
What helped you most?

General Feedback on Specialists:


How helpful are the classes/Learning Times?
How equipped do you feel to continue what you have learned?
How can we equip you better?
General feedback:

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