MNRI Photo Album

MNRI Photo Album

Thank you for your contribution! We use contributed images on our website, Facebook page, Instagram Account, and in promotional and educational materials.

* : required

Tell us about yourself!

I am a:*

Tell us about your pictures!

Are your images from an event?*
Event date:
Event title:
Event location:
Do your images include a child in your care?*
Child's name:*
Child's age:*
SMEI may identify the child by:*
Can you tell us a bit about what is happening in these pictures? (Optional):
Upload photos - hold the SHIFT key while selecting files to upload multiple images:*

Media Release Form

I hereby give my unconditional permission to Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute (SMEI) and The Masgutova Foundation to use my / my child’s photographic/filmed image for the purposes of promoting, publicizing, educating and advertising SMEI and The Masgutova Foundation.

I understand the image(s) will remain the property of SMEI and The Masgutova Foundation and may be used in its publications, website, social media, and other publicity material, and I expressly authorize such use. I also understand and acknowledge that once this image is posted onto the SMEI or The Masgutova Foundation website, the image(s) can be downloaded and may be viewed from other websites beyond SMEI and The Masgutova Foundation.

I give express permission for SMEI and The Masgutova Foundation to crop or alter the image(s) as necessary.

If the image(s) submitted include a child in my care, I hearby grant permission to SMEI and The Masgutova Foundation to use photographic or filmed images of this child as outlined above.

I certify that I am over 18 years of age.


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