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Masgutova Method-MNRI Google Group
The Masgutova Method-MNRI Google Group is an independently managed group for parents of children with challenges, professionals working with challenged populations, and adults with challenges.
The group was initiated and is currently managed by a parent well versed in the benefits and dynamics of the Masgutova Method. We would like to thank her for her continued dedication to managing this group and acknowledge the admirable service she continues to provide in the ongoing management and moderation of this site. This group allows parents and professionals to share information regarding various children’s challenges, progress made, and general perspective regarding the method. Information shared in this group is from personal experience, and as such, is not controlled or managed in any regard by the Masgutova organization. It is important to remember that advice rendered by groups of this nature is not a substitute for medical advice. While we think it is essential that families and professionals are provided open forums such as this to share, learn, and network with each other, we encourage you to contact us directly if an informational need arises regarding the MNRI program or organization that is beyond the intended scope and purpose of this site.
Since the site originated to help provide families and professionals with general information regarding the Masgutova Method and organization, with approval from the site moderator, we have agreed to share basic membership criteria here.
Membership within this group requires that you agree to the following terms: “Membership within this group confers agreement not to disclose, teach, or disseminate in any way shape or form, in whole or in part the techniques shared within this forum. Unless otherwise noted, information and techniques shared within this forum is the intellectual property right and copyright of Svetlana Masgutova and all rights are reserved. Members agree not to resend, forward, or broadcast any e-mail from this group without permission from the writer of the e-mail, including writers included within any e-mail.”
If you would like to become an active member of the The Masgutova Method-MNRI Google Group the following link will help you begin the process.