Learning The Method

Learning The Method

MNRI® Birth and Post-Birth Reflex Integration

Course Overview:

The MNRI Birth and Post-Birth Reflex Integration program focuses on the same set of primary motor reflex patterns addressed by the Dynamic and Postural Motor Reflex Integration program. This is because most primary motor reflex patterns begin development in the womb and engage in combination with the biological mothers system during the birth process. The birth process includes four stages: the beginning, process, integration, and finish. Through each birth stage, birth mechanisms innate to the bodies of the mother and the baby, work together to ensure a successful birth.  In the beginning stage, the baby’s head crowns into the birth canal as his Spinal Pereze reflex engage and triggers maternal delivery mechanisms to begin the birth process. During the process stage, the Spinal Pereze reflex triggers additional motor reflexes to engage, including the Head Extension, Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex, Babinski, Spinal Galant, and Asymmetrical Tonic Neck, all in an effort to keep the baby’s head pushing forward through the birth canal. During the integration stage, the baby engages side-turning motions to assure sufficient forward momentum to make it through the birth canal, including, among others, Sequential Rolling and Spinning. Finally, during the finishing phase, the baby’s head emerges from the birth canal into the world, organizing his shoulders and movements with the help of the Sequential Rolling, Spinning, Body Righting and Asymmetric Tonic Neck reflexes. 

The Birth and Post-Birth Reflex Course provides participants with the depth and breadth of information to understand the role the birth process plays in activating and engaging reflexes, readying the sensory system for the outside world, and establishing a foundation for post-birth reflex patterns to activate, mature and integrate. The MNRI Birth and Post-Birth Reflex Integration course explores:

  • The general MNRI Method and the role played by the Birth and Post-Birth Reflex Integration program
  • The progression of birth and post-birth reflexes beginning in utero and continuing through childhood
  • The role birth and post-birth reflexes in establishing a foundation for motor, communication and cognitive development, and emotional and behavioral regulation
  • MNRI techniques to assess, pattern, and integrate birth and post-birth reflexes
  • How to create MNRI birth and post-birth reflex integration programs for individual clients
  • How to incorporate use of MNRI Birth and Post-Birth Reflex Integration course content into daily client and home practice

Program/Course Objectives

Participants of this MNRI® course will participate in both the course discussion and hands-on supervised practice. In this course, participants will be introduced to information about the neuro- anatomy and neurophysiology of a reflex, and its specifics at of birth/delivery time and post-birth period, and how it links with protection and survival, and neuro-developmental mechanisms.

This course demonstrates the basis for reflex integration in newborn in the new environment - air and gravity stress, and the ways for establishing neurosensorimotor processing for optimal brain functioning, the psychological/emotional comfort and its influence on health, motivation, cognition and emotional life.

Participants will be introduced to the knowledge of the birth as a process and activation of the flow of reflexes during different stages of the birth process. Birth as a natural process following through four stages and seven stages of delivery must be a coherent process, and flow and finish properly, according to the inherent genetic plan. The birth stages: preparation, action, integration, and completion - determine the anchors for future exploration of the word and learning, and behavior formation. Each birth stage has its own structure and mechanisms, and also triggers specific corresponding reflexes allowing for future newborn to come to this world naturally, successfully and healthy.

All in birth – its stages and phases, delivery (mother and a baby’s physical interaction at birth)), and reflexes and basic motor patterns must ‘work’ as one action – coordinated way and in a special tune and rhythm. Participants will be introduced to the techniques for the work with Birth and Post-Birth motor and reflex patterns in infants, children and adults accenting on the work in those individuals that have experienced stressful or traumatic birth and with neurodeficits and learning challenges. Particularly the techniques for the work with such reflex patterns, as: Moro and Fear Paralysis, Core

Tendon Guard, ATNR, Perez, Head Righting, Galant, Spinning, also with some breathing, oral- facial, visual, and auditory reflex patterns will be proposed. Discussion of consequences of stressful/traumatic birth resulting by inhibition of the development and maturation of the reflexes and sensorimotor integration mechanisms and increasing over-protection and survival blocking successful functioning will be undertaken.

Repatterning techniques and exercises for Birth and Post-Birth reflex patterns will be introduced to create a sufficient neurophysiological basis for feeling safe, inner strength and motivation, organization of proper perception and processing of the input, and thus development of different cognitive skills – visual and auditory, and thinking process. Postural control mechanisms will also be addressed. Exercises for development and maturation of the reflex patterns concerned with the breathing system, emotional stability at Birth will be discussed. This course will offer MNRI® exercises, movements and techniques that regulate the activity and maturation of Birth and Post- Birth motor patterns. The Birth and Post-Birth Reflex Integration course can be used with children and adults with deficits in development of protection mechanisms; tendencies for stress, PTSD, fear and phobias, instable behavior, emotional disorientation, motor and speech delays. It also can be used as a stress release program for all individuals of any age and any psychical and mental state and talents.

Learner Objectives:
Upon successful completion of the three-day, 24-hour MNRI®: Birth and Post-Birth Reflex Integration. Optimize Innate
Developmental Resources course participants will:
1. Develop knowledge of the Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration process as the basis for successful
development of the proper functioning of first motor and reflex patterns for optimal functioning of the sensorimotor
integration and brain development.
2. Investigate the links of the birth process and reflex patterns, and protective responses serving for creating the
“anchors” for exploration of the world and “code” of learning activating the natural innate mechanisms of
neurodevelopment and neuroplasticity.
3. Learn about the following reflexes and their specific involvement in the development of antigravity mechanisms and
cognitive skills: Tonic Labyrinthine in Flexion and Extension, Core Tendon Guard, STNR, ATNR, Trunk Extension,
Gravity, Balancing, Head Righting, Perez, Galant, Head Righting, Hands Pulling, Sequential Rolling and Spinning, and
also specific “Crowning Reflex”, and others.
4. Investigate the following reflexes and their specific involvement in the development of visual and auditory systems at
post-birth period (at birth and during first 10 days).
5. Explore how breathing reflex patterns are involved in muscular-tendon-ligaments tone regulation, postural control, and
antigravity abilities of future of the newborn.
6. Discuss the basis for the formation of primary links of birth motor activity and its influence on the proprioceptive and
cognitive coordination: vision fixation, acoustic activation, kinesthetic memory.
7. Participate in techniques and games, and activities that enhance the MNRI® process in an interesting and motivating
8. Receive supervised hands-on-training to:
• Conduct evaluation of Birth and Post-Birth motor and reflex patterns and to recognize those that are nonintegrated
or immature as the effect of the birth stress or trauma.
• Develop individual programs to repattern, activate, and integrate Birth and Post-Birth reflex patterns.2007, 2013 ©
Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute for Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration, LLC. All rights reserved.
9. Motor patterns:
1) “Head Crowning”
2) “Head Extension ↔ Body Turning Inside
3) “Head Uprighting (extension) ↔ Axis Rotation of the head
10. Breathing Reflexes:
• Inhalation-Exhalation Cycle
• Sneezing
11. Reflex patterns active at different birth stages:
• Birth stage – 1
o Spinal Perez
o Head Tilting–Neck Flexion
o Head Crowning
o STNR in Flexion
o Babinski
o Leg Cross flexion-Extension
• Birth stage – 2
o Spinal Perez
o Head Up – Righting
o Labyrinthine in Extension
o Spine Stretching
o STNR in Extension
o Babinski
o Leg Cross Flexion-Extension
4) Sequential Side Rotation (=Segmental rolling): Head ↔ Shoulder ↔ Hip
5) Sequential Side Rotation: Head ↔ Shoulder ↔ Hip
o Coughing
• Birth stage – 3
o Spinal Perez
o Spinal Galant
o Babinski
o Crawling
o Leg Cross Flexion-Extension
o STNR in Extension
o Trunk Extension
• Birth stage – 4
o Spinal Perez
o Spinal Galant
o Sequential Side Rotation
o Spinning
o STNR in Extension
o Babinski
o Leg Cross flexion-Extension
o Spinning
• Work with specific techniques for dysfunctional and pathological Birth and Post-Birth reflex patterns.
• Explore the possibilities of positive changes in body response for exploration and self- awareness through
integration of Birth and Post-Birth reflex patterns.
• Develop individual corrective programs based on evaluation and exercises for integration of Birth and Post-Birth
reflex patterns to enhance overall emotional, motivational, and motor challenges, and stress resistance and
12. Evaluate and develop appropriate strategies to incorporate the use of the MNRI® Birth and Post- Birth Reflex
Integration program into daily practice.
13. Motor patterns and reflexes addressed in this course
14. Post-birth reflexes:
• The order of switching on: Tactile Bridge (for stress release) ↔ ATNR ↔ Tonic Labyrinthine in Extension ↔
• Moro Embracing ↔ Crawling ↔ Sucking ↔ Nourishing ↔ Bonding Prerequisite: MNRI® Dynamic & Postural
Reflex Integration course is an essential prerequisite.


Course Length: The course covers a period of three (3) days and requires a minimum of 24 hours of direct classroom instruction.


Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD activity approval ID# 6286. This in-person activity is offered at 2.4 CEUs, introductory, OT Service Delivery. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.
This course is offered for 2.4 ASHA CEUs
(Introductory level, Professional area)

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