Learning The Method

Learning The Method

MNRI® Parent Workshop

MNRI Workshop for Parents

Course Overview:
Learning, planning, and the development of inner control are some of the most important
functions of the brain and are the basis of successful learning.  The development of self
regulation, language and academic skills depends on the appropriate development of the
brainstem and sensorimotor integration.  The early movements, primary motor and reflex
patterns offered in this workshop are the foundation of human development.  Successful
formation of these abilities ultimately depends upon the physiological maturation of the
brainstem (extrapyramidal nerve net) for movement, behavioral and learning. 
Challenges often result when reflex patterns do not develop properly, are immature, and/or
are poorly integrated in comparison with typical patterns of development.  In addition,
primary reflex patterns may not function appropriately following significant life stressors
and/or trauma that children and adults may experience.  Data collected from thousands of
MNRI sessions over the past 20 years has demonstrated that as the number of non-
integrated primary motor reflex patterns in neurotypical children increase, a correlation in
the number and severity of learning challenges becomes apparent.  
This MNRI Parent workshop explores the role primary movements and reflexes play in
developing higher cognitive functions, motor and communication skills.  
MNRI Workshop for Parents explores:
• The theoretical and physiological basis of the MNRI Method and the role primary sensori-
motor reflex integration plays in learning
• The progression of primary skills necessary for optimal learning and self regulation
• MNRI techniques designed to re-pattern and integrate specific reflex patterns
• Ways to create MNRI reflex integration programs for children 
• Ways to incorporate this program into daily home practice.

Learner Objectives:
Upon successful completion of the 8 hours for the MNRI Workshop for Parents, participants will:
1. Understand how the Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI ") method
is based on activation of the innate nature of the sensorimotor reflex system to increase
2. Comprehend how the primary motor patterns as the first biomechanics of development of
all movements can create or restore healthy neurosensorimotor integration of reflex
patterns, motor coordination, and skills affecting cognitive, emotional and physical
functioning as well as neurodevelopment overall.
3.  Explore the maturational role that the primary sensory- motor reflexes play in the
formation of specific academics and social skill sets that affect self-regulation. 
4. Recognize how the lack of consistent development of primary sensory-motor reflexes
impact the development of positive learning, behavioral, and social skills.
5. Explore the specific MNRI techniques used for working with children and adults
diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Anxiety, and other challenges.
6. Demonstrate how the MNRI ® reflex patterns can be used to increase listening skills and
focus, safety for boundaries for safety, handwriting, spatial awareness, increased language
and cognitive skills, as well as the reduction of stress. 
7. Explore how to use the knowledge received in this workshop on an individual basis.
8. Apply and practice specific MNRI ® hands-on training provided for specific reflex patterns.

Hour 1:  Background information of reflexes and MNRI®
Hours 2-16: MNRI® Techniques: Explanation, Demonstration, Practice
Course Hours: 16