The Method

The Method


I am a parent of a child with an autism diagnosis. He also has a diagnosis of anxiety disorder, ADHD, and Fragile X. He is 16 years old and has made immeasurable gains with MNRI! I started by taking a few MNRI classes in 2008.

I am a parent of a child with an autism diagnosis. He also has a diagnosis of anxiety disorder, ADHD, and Fragile X. He is 16 years old and has made immeasurable gains with MNRI! I started by taking a few MNRI classes in 2008. I jumped at an opportunity for my son to attend a MNRI Conference 2009. Since then we have taken advantage of classes, Conferences, Mini Clinics and implemented the MNRI home program. Here’s our story:

We have been blessed with a beautiful son named George who is 16 yrs old and in 10th grade. George is playing football in high school. Regular ed! He played baritone in the band from 6th- 9th grade and practiced with his Grandpa who plays tuba. He participates in regular classes with a 1:1 support and modified materials. Academics have come slow but most important he continues to learn and make progress.

When George was young I tried everything traditional medical model including ot, pt, and speech. Progress was slow and he kept slipping further behind. I made sure George was educated in an integrated setting not the segregated se classroom. In elementary and middle school he was in the regular ed setting for a majority of the school day with a 1:1 support. When George started kindergarten he couldn't speak a complete sentence or sit for circle time. He has come so far! I can't get him to quit talking now and would never try!!! He has a cell phone and he calls family and friends daily. He probably talks to his Grandpa Steve the most. Sometimes they talk for hours a day.

George has made leaps and bounds of in the last 5 yrs. I attribute most of this progress to Masgutova Method and the incredible ability of Svetlana Masgutova to isolate the individual reflex patterns of the primary reflexes and develop specific integrations for each reflex to begin or further integrate reflexes. This is ‘key’ to learning and development. It is never too late to integrate with MNRI but sooner is better. I would give anything to be able to go back and have had this resource when George was 2 or 3 yrs. I am grateful we have here and now and are making the most of it!

 I love MNRI because they empower the parent. They offer classes and you get to hear it, see it, do it, and experience it. Then take home what you learned and use it with your child. I suggest MNRI Postural and Dynamic Reflexes class as a perfect place to start. Check out the website at Attend a MNRI family Conference when an opportunity presents. Find a MNRI Core Specialist in your area to provide services weekly, monthly or when possible have a Core Specialist travel to your location. If this is not an option then take and use what you learn from MNRI classes, Conferences and the additional training videos and materials available on the Masgutova website.

Since MNRI, George has made the most progress with social interactions. He gives and takes in conversation and understands information. He has decreased anxiety and has demonstrated good problem solving skills. His posture and how he carries himself is natural. There has been measurable progress with physical endurance and speed. We have been able to decrease his prescription medications to nothing. He had been taking medications for anxiety, hyperactivity, difficulty focusing and attending, getting stuck and impulsivity since he was 3. His doctor, who has been working with us since he was 18 months, supported us every step of the way. She said “Whatever you are doing keep doing it because it is working.”

I love Masgutova Method! We would never be where we are today without it!

Sincerely, Anna Nameny

Anna Nameny

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