The Method
Ancillary MNRI® Programs
A variety of ancillary programs are offered as part of the Masgutova Family Educational Conferences, including Deep Neurostructural, Balance Board Therapy, Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Dance Therapy, Dog Therapy, and Water Therapy.
Deep Neurostructural, Balance Board, and Art Therapy are generally offered at every conference while the others are less frequent and depend on facilities, geographical locale (i.e., North America, Europe, Asia, etc.) and availability of outside resources. Deep Neurostructural is a highly specialized technique offered by a very select number of MNRI resources.
The technique builds on the Core MNRI Neurostructural Program techniques. Balance Board therapy includes various balance board exercises and routines to develop rhythm and motor coordination, among other things. Art therapy introduces children to a variety of materials that help address tactile sensitivities. In addition to including ancillary programs, MNRI Educational Family Conferences routinely include outside professionals such as audiologists, medical doctors and other functional specialists in a continuing effort to refine MNRI Method techniques an to measure the efficacy of our approach.