The Method
Neurosensorimotor Integration Points
The MRNI Method focuses on very specific neurosensorimotor and neuroproprioceptive reflex points. Although there is generally a preferred point for each reflex, these most optimal points are not always active and a alternative point must be chosen to integrate a poorly functioning reflex. The MRNI Method delineates the full range of these reflex points as one or more may be accessed as needed for success. The Neurosensorimotor Integration Points course teaches participants to apply the full range of reflex points and to make accurate judgments about which to choose and why when integrating a specific reflex. This course also reinforces prior instruction on completing assessments and applying proper MNRI technique. The main focus, however, is on understanding neurosensorimotor and neuroproprioceptive reflex points and how to select the optimal points in applying the MNRI Method.