Courses, Conferences & Tools
Applications in Neurodevelopment: Child Motor Development and Milestones (9-10 months)
Applications in Neurodevelopment: Child Motor Development and Milestones (9-10 months)
The ages of 9 and 10 months are active and transformative during a child's motor development and realization of milestones. The child is mobile, pulling to stand at various supports, and beginning to explore higher levels of his or her surroundings to facilitate surges in fine motor and cognitive skills. This lecture continues the journey of infant motor milestones by discussing the transitional skills from 8 to 9 months followed by introducing the 9- and 10-month-old motor skills.
A brief theoretical overview of the effect of MNRI® oral-facial reflex integration exercises to coordinate the process of sucking, swallowing, and breathing, and next to stimulate the modulation of vocalization, and development of articulation, and language development in babies at this age and older children who are non-verbal also is explored.Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, MNRI® Instructor and Creator
Laurie Longest, MS, PT, MNRI® Instructor and Core Specialist
Diane Whiteside, PT, MNRI® Instructor and Core Specialist
Video Runtime: 1 hour, 51 minutes, 32 seconds.