The Method
Recognizing that the most familiar approach to healthcare is through local clinicians, and that certified MNRI professionals are not yet available in every region, we felt it would be helpful for you to hear directly from families who have been confronted with this issue and who elected to attend a Family Educational Conference or Assessment Clinic.
Consequently, in this section we have provided videos of families and/or professionals who have volunteered to share their stories. As you move forward with the Masgutova Method, we hope that you will return here to share your story with others within the Masgutova community. We invite you to “Tell Us Your Story”!
Following are video testimonials from families who attended a recent Masgutova Educational Family Conference:

Our 7 month old son has been making great progress the past few months

I am leaving with a different boy than the one I came here with

He loves MNRI so much—more than even Disney World!

She can now move freely with joy

Thank you SO much

He is more aware of surroundings and more confident

We now see a light inside the tunnel

He actually connected with me in an embrace

Thank You Is Just the Beginning...

I am a parent of a child with an autism diagnosis. He also has a diagnosis of anxiety disorder, ADHD, and Fragile X. He has made immeasurable gains with MNRI!

We've seen more improvements in our son's autistic symptoms during the past 10 months than we've seen in all of the years since his diagnosis almost 9 years ago.

Thank you, Dr. Masgutova and your team for enabling so many amazing changes in such a short amount of time!

Dr. Masgutova has created an amazing program to benefit children and adults with a wide variety of needs.

The work we did at the Masgutova Clinic was truly life changing...

The most valuable part of this experience was learning how to do the therapy myself, and be able to continue this program at home...

I am an OT using Svetlana's work with children and found this work very helpful in many ways

Our daughter suffered a stroke at birth and we were given little hope or suggestions on how to help...

My daughter Kayla was adopted from the foster care system.